Steve Bareham (Auteur) Paru en mars 2013 (ebook (ePub)) en anglais

How to write great restaurant menu descriptions

How to write great restaurant menu descriptions - 1
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Vital information for food and beverage managers charged with creating effective restaurant menus. A thoughtfully conceived food and beverage menu can boost restaurant revenues by more than 25% according to university research in the U.S., and a CBS report says restaurant menus and their descriptions are “everything.” Well written restaurant menus can drive diners to menu items that you want to get the most attention; this is crucial to profit margins. It can also be a timer saver for serving...
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Date de parution

mars 2013


Summa Publishing


ebook (ePub)

Type de DRM

Adobe DRM


3,80 €

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Vital information for food and beverage managers charged with creating effective restaurant menus.

A thoughtfully conceived food and beverage menu can boost restaurant revenues by more than 25% according to university research in the U.S., and a CBS report says restaurant menus and their descriptions are “everything.”

Well written restaurant menus can drive diners to menu items that you want to get the most attention; this is crucial to profit margins. It can also be a timer saver for serving staff if it provides pertinent information about ingredients, preparation methods.  

There is considerable decision-making psychology involved in menu writing and creation, and attention must also be paid to the five senses. The human brain can’t think without involving the senses, so knowing how to integrate sight, taste, smell, touch, and sound is very important.

Further, menu descriptions can, and should, be part of the entertainment package, and it’s vital to people with health concerns. This show details a system for optimizing menu creation. This book provides a complete writing system for restaurant menus and includes numerous live online links to additional resources that can help any restaurant be more profitable.

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How to write great restaurant menu descriptions

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Steve Bareham


Summa Publishing

Date de parution

mars 2013





Type de DRM

Adobe DRM

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