Gibbons (Auteur) Francis Christian (Auteur) Paru en janvier 1979 (ebook (ePub)) en anglais

Heber J. Grant: Man of Steel, Prophet of God

Heber J. Grant: Man of Steel, Prophet of God - 1
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How do you envision a prophet of the Lord? What would his childhood be like? How would he prepare for his special ministry? What is there about a man that makes him a potential mouthpiece of Jesus Christ on earth? Heber J. Grant: Man of Steel, Prophet of God provides insight into questions such as these as it examines the life of the seventh prophet of this dispensation. President Grant's sixty-three years as an Apostle in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, during twenty-seven of which he served as the Church...
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Date de parution

janvier 1979


Deseret Book


ebook (ePub)

Type de DRM

Adobe DRM


19,82 €

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How do you envision a prophet of the Lord? What would his childhood be like? How would he prepare for his special ministry? What is there about a man that makes him a potential mouthpiece of Jesus Christ on earth? Heber J. Grant: Man of Steel, Prophet of God provides insight into questions such as these as it examines the life of the seventh prophet of this dispensation. President Grant's sixty-three years as an Apostle in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, during twenty-seven of which he served as the Church's president, make his life a classic study in devotion to the Lord and work in God's kingdom.

"Spanning the period between handcarts and television, the life of Heber J. Grant, if for no other reason than its longevity, presents an object of fascinating study for those interested in the development of the American West and the Church," says author Francis M. Gibbons. Still, he points out, the "special ingredients of the story are to be found in the stubborn, unconquerable qualities of President Grant's will, and in the deep and pervasive spirituality that infiltrated and colored all he did."

Drawing largely from President Grant's voluminous journals, the author has painted a detailed and sensitive portrait of this dynamic leader. This book tells the story of one who witnessed and played an important role in the development of the Church from a persecuted, misunderstood sect into a respected, worldwide organization. More importantly, it tells the story of a man who loved his family, his church, and his God, and who strove with all his power to serve them all.

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Heber J. Grant: Man of Steel, Prophet of God

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Francis Christian


Deseret Book

Date de parution

janvier 1979





Type de DRM

Adobe DRM

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